Monday, June 10, 2013

The Scale it Does Not Budge

This morning I actually Googled "scale not budging" because I am super frustrated.  I have eliminated wheat and sugar.  And have done really well, for me.  I have not indulged.  I have exercised.  And I have not lost a single pound.  WTF?  Perhaps I am so old that I have to turn it up another notch.  But I am not giving up .  No effing way.  I am going to win.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fit but not thin

Have noticed something lately.  There are many women who are not what by most standards anyone would call thin, but you can tell by looking at them that they are super fit.  Great legs, toned arms, a waist...etc.  this is good news for me!  And my new goal.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Not Budging

So, the scale has barely budged.  And when I say this, I mean it has fluctuated up and down within two pounds but has not dipped low enough for me to feel as if I've made any progress. I grow frustrated.

I am going to try to eliminate wheat and sugar, and have realized that perhaps I need to exercise as well. I am leery of this, though, because that tends to increase my appetite and a few years ago I actually gained ten pounds when I started running.

I am not giving up, though, and am more determined to find what will work for me.

I am also going to revisit the hypnotism thing.  I have an app on my phone that is interesting...I just need to do it consistently. That was my big failure last time.  I always fall asleep before it ends.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What I Really Want For Mother's Day

  • Coffee on the back porch, in silence.  Maybe while I read my book.
  • No crying while we get ready for church, and try to get out the door.  Just this once.
  • Before you yell, "Mommy" for you to stop and think...can Daddy do it?  Maybe, just maybe,  you could even do it yourself?
  • Hang the curtain rod over the window by my computer so I can hang up those free curtains I got at the Mommy Swap.  This will make me very happy and bring me daily pleasure.
  • An hour of uninterrupted silence to read my book.  I am almost at the end of book 5 of the Game of Thrones series, so please.  Maybe hubs will take the kids to the park?
  • The dishwasher to be loaded and unloaded as necessary.
That's pretty much it!  No flowers, cards or new Kate Spade wallet (ahem...maybe for my b-day though) necessary.  I already feel loved and appreciated, and my love knows no bounds for all of you in return.  I have received my favorite, home-made with your own tiny hands precious gifts.  I love those more than anything.  


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thrift Store Dress



I bought this dress at my favorite thrift store, and while it fits, it does not fit great.  So, my first goal is to wear this dress really comfortably.  My arms are a whole different story.  So, I will also start working on those! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I can't remember how old I am

It has become apparent to me that I am approaching fifty like a fast moving train.  The fact that I truly cannot remember if I am 47 or 48 attest to this fact.  Like right now, I really can't tell you.  I think I am 47, but it is entirely possible that I am 48 and just can't remember.

I was born in 1965.  You can do that math.

I have thirty pounds to lost and want to do it before I am 50.  I also have hip pain and want to get rid of it.  I have three small children.  My oldest is 7 and my twins are 4.5 so I have a rather urgent need.  I also want to enjoy my "golden" years with my husband once they are all gone.  At that point, it will be 2027 and I will be much older.  Again, I will have to do that math and so will you.  I think it is 62.  Which is not old!  But, it can be.  My dad, who died at 66, was a very old 66.  He was in terrible shape, smoked and never exercised.  My mom, however, is currently 86 and in fantastic shape.  It is entirely possible that she could outlive me, but I hope not.  So, I see how long I can potentially live and want to do it in much better shape.

Thus, this blog.

I am not going to post my weight (at this point).  I am going to track pounds lost at and some point will disclose my starting and ending weights, if that matters.  I do, however, want some clothes that I desperately want to fit into and when those goals are reached I will post pics.  For now, I have a few things that I am comfortable in and refuse to buy anything any bigger.

Let's go!
