Monday, June 10, 2013

The Scale it Does Not Budge

This morning I actually Googled "scale not budging" because I am super frustrated.  I have eliminated wheat and sugar.  And have done really well, for me.  I have not indulged.  I have exercised.  And I have not lost a single pound.  WTF?  Perhaps I am so old that I have to turn it up another notch.  But I am not giving up .  No effing way.  I am going to win.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fit but not thin

Have noticed something lately.  There are many women who are not what by most standards anyone would call thin, but you can tell by looking at them that they are super fit.  Great legs, toned arms, a waist...etc.  this is good news for me!  And my new goal.