Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I can't remember how old I am

It has become apparent to me that I am approaching fifty like a fast moving train.  The fact that I truly cannot remember if I am 47 or 48 attest to this fact.  Like right now, I really can't tell you.  I think I am 47, but it is entirely possible that I am 48 and just can't remember.

I was born in 1965.  You can do that math.

I have thirty pounds to lost and want to do it before I am 50.  I also have hip pain and want to get rid of it.  I have three small children.  My oldest is 7 and my twins are 4.5 so I have a rather urgent need.  I also want to enjoy my "golden" years with my husband once they are all gone.  At that point, it will be 2027 and I will be much older.  Again, I will have to do that math and so will you.  I think it is 62.  Which is not old!  But, it can be.  My dad, who died at 66, was a very old 66.  He was in terrible shape, smoked and never exercised.  My mom, however, is currently 86 and in fantastic shape.  It is entirely possible that she could outlive me, but I hope not.  So, I see how long I can potentially live and want to do it in much better shape.

Thus, this blog.

I am not going to post my weight (at this point).  I am going to track pounds lost at and some point will disclose my starting and ending weights, if that matters.  I do, however, want some clothes that I desperately want to fit into and when those goals are reached I will post pics.  For now, I have a few things that I am comfortable in and refuse to buy anything any bigger.

Let's go!
